Extends arm or leg to help when being dressedĮach baby develops in his own manner, so it’s impossible to tell exactly when your child will perfect a given skill.
Repeats sounds or gestures for attention.
Prefers mother and/or regular caregiver over all others.
Tests parental responses to his behavior (What do you do if he cries after you leave the room?).
Tests parental responses to his actions during feedings (What do you do when he refuses a food?).
Shows specific preferences for certain people and toys.
Begins to use objects correctly (drinking from cup, brushing hair, dialing phone, listening to receiver).
Looks at correct picture when the image is named.
Explores objects in many different ways (shaking, banging, throwing, dropping).
Uses simple gestures, such as shaking head for “no”.
May walk two or three steps without support.
Gets from sitting to crawling or prone (lying on stomach) position.
Creeps on hands and knees supporting trunk on hands and knees.
Crawls forward on belly by pulling with arms and pushing with legs.
Gets to sitting position without assistance.
Here are some other milestones to look for. Being able to move from place to place will give your child a delicious sense of power and control-her first real taste of physical independence. What a re some of the developmental milestones my child should reach by twelve months of age?įrom eight to twelve months of age, your baby will become increasingly mobile, a development that will thrill and challenge both of you.